See Spells Rules for the general rules of spellcasting and the Spells Listing for the Plague Mage spell list. (a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's packĪs a Plague Mage, your body contains arcane magics which manifest themselves as castable symptoms of your diseases.Choose one from Arcana, History, Insight, and Religion. Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence.

Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons.Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Plague Mage level after 1st.Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier.choose the cantrips Acid Splash, Infestation and Mage Hand along with the 1st-level spells Burning Hands, Charm Person, Chromatic Orb, Exacerbate, Mage Armor and Magic Missile Class features Hit Points Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Vou can make a Plague Mage quickly by following these suggestions.
What made your character willing to sacrifice their health in order to gain power? Who taught you how to channel your abilities? Why are you venturing out into the world? The life of a Plague Mage is a lonely one, with many choosing to seal themselves off in order to protect others. However, there are many wandering Mages incubating various experimental strains around the countryside who take on apprentices. Most mages gain their spells and afflictions from a center of learning. Plague Mages require both extreme vigor to survive their afflictions, and the expertise to balance their symptoms, while ensuring that they never properly recover from an infection.Īs you create your Plague Mage, think about how your Plague Mage got their abilities. Through this, the various microorganisms that create diseases fuel their spells, and let them cast through their symptoms. Plague Mages pull their power from the various different diseases their bodies are afflicted with. Soon, they younger would train in the uses of the flies in war and in art. the fly quickly flies into the younger's hair, finding a welcoming home upon which it can birth many children. After the elder of the two has been assured of the younger's loyalty, he gently extends a finger, upon which is a single fly, bloated with young. Eventually, the sun sets, and the woman sits down, her body having spent it's load of spells on the bodies strewn across the battlefield.ĭeep in the forest, two elves have a hushed conversation, repeating oaths of safekeeping and guidance from generations before. A large woman wades into battle, every slash her opponents dealing unleashing a burst of arcane energy that decimates them, dealing more damage back than their slashes could deal to her. The dawn breaks on the raucous sounds of battle. He's been incubating this disease inside him for a few weeks, but now that he's shown results, he can soon unveil it to his comrades. Slowly at first, than building strength as it ambles around at the man's mental commands. As he looks down at the phlegm in the sink, it starts to move. His drawn-back lips reveal a host of sores and zits covering his skin.

Izoni Thousand-Eyed, Illustrated by Eric Deschampsĭeep inside an Anathemum, a man dressed in hooded robes coughs, than smiles.